Restore not reading the correct metadata


I am trying to do the following restore command on my Linux client
urbackupclientctl restore-start -b 38 -d /home/steam/ARK/ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks/000000.arkprofile

And it fails with “Error starting restore. Errorcode: 4”

The error message on the client is non existent, but on the server I get this:
2017-03-17 14:40:17: Channel message: DOWNLOAD FILES TOKENS path=%2Fhome%2Fsteam%2FARK%2FShooterGame%2FSaved%2FSavedArks%2F000000.arkprofile&backupid=38&with_id_offset=false&restore_token=XXX&process_id=4&clean_other=1&ignore_other_fs=1&follow_symlinks=1
2017-03-17 14:40:17: Error reading file metadata from file “/data/backup//<server_name>/170317-0946/.hashes/home/.dir_metadata”

The Issue is that that is not the correct backup directory
The backup directory on the client is this:
/home/steam/ARK/ShooterGame/Saved ark-saved follow_symlinks,symlinks_optional,share_hashes

So the directory it should be trying reading is
Which would be the correct one.

Am I invoking the restore in the wrong way? Should I somehow include the backup dir name(That option is not visible in the help for the command)?

Client info: UrBackup Client Controller v2.1.15.0 (Linux)
Server info: UrBackup 2.1.18 (Linux)

Edit: I do have the “home” backup dir from other clients but not from this one.

Could you try:

urbackupclientctl restore-start -b 38 -d ark-saved/SavedArks/000000.arkprofile
