Restore failed with /usr/test

No permission to create directory:

I have the same problem here.
I have made a backup with some files in a folder called /usr/test, in that i have 4 files called: test1,2,3 and 4.
When i delete them, no prob, but when i wanna restore the files i youse this command and get this error saying; “Restore Failed”


But if i make the “test” folder again, and youse the same command, i works fine? any idea?

and in the logs it says right? @chris2811 :open_mouth:

Cannot reproduce the problem:


hmm okay…
did you at any time delete the test folder? and then try to restore without the test folder existing?

This is the commands that i use to make backups, add paths and so on, hope this helps you more.
Add Path: urbackupclientctl add-backupdir -d /usr/test
Delete Folder: rm -rf /usr/test
Start backup: urbackupclientctl start -f or -i
Restore: urbackupclientctl restore-start -b (and then id we found from browse command)

Ok, yes, it restores the folder contents not the folder itself. Which is unintuitive. I’ll change it.


Thank you sir! I’ll be looking forward to that.

Any idea when it will be? just wanna know when to look for updates :slight_smile: