Replace Cache drive

I am receiving errors on my cache drive. I tried to rebuild the drive but that tells me I have errors on my drive. What is the process to replace the cache drive?

The process to replace the system disk and cache drive are the same.

Make sure you write down all the encryption keys.

Then reset the system with Settings → System → Reset system to factory conditions.

Then re-import from backup storage. E.g.

Recovering an appliance with simple storage setup from storage.pdf (231.7 KB)

This pdf shows S3 is the import similar if we have a raid with the backups. on it.

Yes, if you have RAID, also select the (new) cache disk as cache, then enter the RAID encryption key. Everything else is automatic.

Ok so I have reset the server. All my drives that had been in the raid show as needing to add. This is what I see when I choose to add them. I don’t want to delete the data.

trying the system reset button and it spins briefly then doesn’t do the reset. Is there a way to run it via command line or see why it won’t run.

You need to select the (new) cache disk there, not one of RAID disks.

Logs would be in /var/log/app.log . Worst case you’d need to re-image the system disk or start with a fresh one.

ok where can i grab the image? running this on a standalone box not within windows.

perfect. Thank you