Remove backup from queue?


Does anyone know of any way to remove a queued backup from the queue?

My problem is that I forgot to disable full file backups from one of my clients. The client carries 4TB+ of data so due to space restrictions on the server I had to make the decision to only run incremental backups on that machine. However before I realized my mistake, UrBackup had already attempted to make a second full file backup. The server ran out of space and I turned off full file backups. But the server keeps trying to resume the full file backup. Normal incremental backups can’t be performed any longer because the full backup won’t finalize.

I have tried to find a way to remove the full backup from the queue but to no avail. Will I have to reinstall UrBackup and start all over?

Can’t find any topics on this elsewhere.

Regards / John

You could delete the backup from the storage directory and then run remove_unknown.bat/–remove_unknown

Hi Uroni,
First - Thank’s for all the work you have put in to this great piece of software.

I did try that yesterday. Unfortunately it didn’t work. As a next step I deleted all backups…and the backup database in an attempt to start with a completely fresh system. The computer has attempted to run full backups every day for a week now and I was starting to worry about my disks. After the deletion I let it run a full backup and Everything was looking fine until this morning when the log showed the following message:

“Cannot retrieve last file backup when doing incremental backup. Doing full backup now…”

I can’t quite grasp the meaing of it but it is attempting to run another full backup, which there isn’t space for on the disk. Back to square one.

I will have another go on your suggestion.

Regards / John

Do keep in mind that even if you run a full backup it stores the files only once if they are identical. So you might just not have enough space for the initial full backup.

That part I do understand :wink:
It’s a 6TB drive and about 3.6 TB of data so one full file backup definitely fits there. I have been running UrBackup without problems for about six weeks. It’s only recently it started to attempt to make another full file backup. Interesting though, what you say about full backups, that individual files are only stored once. So the only difference between a full backup of a file and an incremental backup of the same file is that the first backs up the complete file in case it is changed while the latter only backups the differences?

I deleted the last backup and ran the batch file you suggested, once again, with the following result:

2016-02-08 21:42:42: ERROR: Error getting free space for path “d:”
2016-02-08 21:42:42: ERROR: Cleanup failed. Could not remove backups. Please low
er the minimal number of backups
2016-02-08 21:42:42: ERROR: Error cleaning up.

Despite the errors it seems, at a first glance at least, that incremental backups are working now. I manually started one that finished without problems. It is now making a full image of the system disk. I will await this nights backup and check in the morning to see if it’s still working.

Thank’s a lot for your support - and time.

Regards / John