Reinstalling UrBackup server after windows reinstallation

Hi, I had to perform a reinstallation of my windows (and a formating of my C: drive)
My backup folder is located in a different drive (O:), I tried to reinstall Urbackup server and setup the same backup folder as last time but it don’t seem to detect any of the already existing backup or configuration.

I haven’t found any information on how to correctly re-bind the preexisting backup, can I get any help for it ?

Thanks you so much!


First, stop the running UrBackup Windows Server service using services.exe or Task Manager. From the backup folder on O: that contains folders named after your clients, locate the urbackup folder. It will have several backup_server and server_ident files in it. This is a backup of your clients and settings normally created after successful backups.

Copy all of the files in this urbackup folder to the C:\Program Files\UrBackupServer\urbackup folder, replacing the empty files from your fresh installation. Start the UrBackup Windows Server service again, log on to the web service (http://localhost:55414), and check whether your previous clients and settings have been restored.

Thanks! this seem to have done the trick