Why is a backup over internet so slow?
Server hang on a 100MBit cable and the client on a 50Mbit with 10Mbit upload fibreline. No 24h disconnect.
Now a file backup takes hours before finish.
UrBackup just did an incremental file backup of “CRM”.
( 5 infos, 0 warnings, 0 errors )
2014-01-24 12:54:46(info): Starting incremental file backup…
2014-01-24 12:57:20(info): Indexing of “DatenbankNTS” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
2014-01-24 19:45:57(info): Transferred 13.2317 MB - Average speed: 4.52 KBit/s -> Why is this so slow
2014-01-24 19:45:59(info): Time taken for backing up client CRM: 6h 51m 12s
2014-01-24 19:45:59(info): Backup succeeded