Percona XtraBackup running for over 48 hours already on a 75GB DB

I wanted to try out the Percona XtraBackup as described on MySQL: How to backup and restore MySQL/MariaDB on a mariadb database.
The database binary size is aroud 75GB.
As mentioned in the docs I did a testrun by executing
/usr/local/share/urbackup/scripts/mariadbxtrabackup > /dev/null
That is now running since over 48 hours. And the process
blockalign - - /var/lib/mariadbbackup/
is using a 100% of one cpu since then with no end in sight. Blockalign seems to read aroud 7kb/s. The storage is an ssd, the process shouldn’t be io-bound.

Anybody used the Percona XtraBackup together with urbackup successfully? How long does it run usually? Is only the first run taking that long?

I’m using urbackup client 2.5.25.