One machine cannot connect

I have one machine that cannot seem to connect for backups.
After installing the client, the machine shows up on the server. But the client Icon in the tray is red. None of the server settings are on the client.

the only real difference in computers is the non-working computer has Kaperski antivirus.
I disabled Kaperski firewall, application control, I turned off protection totally.
I also disabled the windows firewall.

I uninstalled the client and re installed it.
I restarted the computer.

I checked the server and client log and there are no errors.

Somebody please have a suggestion?

Thank you.

No idea. As last resort you could connect the client via the internet mode. This works on local networks as well.

The server discovers the clients via broadcasts. So maybe something is not forwarding them. A switch. Network driver or something. Clients must usually also be in the same subnetworks as the server.

thanks for replying.

I did not think of the internet connection, that’s the next thing I intend to setup and test.

The computer is on the same subnet.
and it magically started working over the weekend.
