Omit vFAT Boot from Linux Client Backup

The issue is probably the attempt to create a snapshot.
You could…
Ensure you are using file backups not images and then exclude /boot/efi/*.

You could create a prefile backup script
In /usr/local/etc/urbackup named “prefilebackup”
This will get executed for the client (and any virtual sub clients).
I wrote a test script that echod argument 3 (the virtual sub client name) to a temp file. I didn’t care what the scrambled name really was…I only wanted to test for it with one of my sub clients so I didn’t do this each time.

The script (once I new the value was 300 for my particular sub client)

Was this
! /bin/bash
If [ “${3}X” == “300X” ] ; then
/bin/tar czPf /temp/boot efi.tgz /boot
exit 0

This gave me a compressed tar file of both /boot and it’s mounted contents.
So, I could exclude /boot/* from my backups coz I had the /tmp tarfile.


Maybe. But, I have had difficulty with Linux and images and mounted and snapshots.