Offsite copies for HYPER V

I am interested in the Hyper V client and it looks ok but is there a possibility to create offsite backups or use 2 backup discs?
The reason for that is in case of a fire, hacking, etc…


Yes, you absolutely can have it stored elsewhere…this is basically what I have for some of my systems, and the traffic is sent over t’interwebs to my UrBackup server…

The only main things that you will need is consider are the bandwidth/size of the churn rate (potentially need to adjust the frequency if it’s an issue) and that you need to be able to access the server from primary site on the relevant ports (55414 for web interface, 55415 from memory for data transfer) for it to work in the first place…

Have got my VM host backing up, and though I’m running a VBox as the host, fundamentally they’re the same; you’re just going to want to have a snapshot mechanism in place to capture the VM’s/VMs’ state(s) before it processes the job…

For my environment, my Linuxfu/VBoxfu isn’t good enough to do that snapshot thing for my host (VBox is fine, but it isn’t Hyper-V and doesn’t have the same simplicity) so am just backing up the host’s files and have the VMs running their own jobs anyway…

Depending on how you store the images it is just vhd(x) files which you could sync with the tool of choice to another server.

You can even install the client on the server and have it backup to another server.

I’d not consider another disk as something that matches what you desire, but there I’d look for operating system functionality for e.g. mirrored volumes (software RAID).