i want to set the included files setting in file backup settings but it does not save. When I insert any pathes (for example: “C:\Users*\Outlook*;C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen*\Outlook*” to save all Outlook folders in all user profiles) and press the save button, the field immediately gets blank. If I insert a second time and press save it seems to stay but if I change to any other site (Status or Activity) and go back to settings -> file backups it is blank again. Default directories and excluded files are empty.
Any hints? Bug or feature?
Best regards,
PS: UrBackup Server and Client 1.0-1, all on XenServer (same farm) except one testing client on VMware
How is UrBackup handling clients which paths to backup?
I just deleted all testing clients from server, deleted all files and file backup settings and re-added all clients. There were never set any settings to file backups set on server after the clients were re-added - neither in “Excluded files”, nor in “Included files” or “Default directories to backup”, and all of them have “Separate settings for this client” not checked. Anyway server backups on all clients the pathes I set before deleting the clients from server: “C:\Users” and “C:\Documents and settings”
The paths are saved on the client side. As long as a user does not modify them it uses the server default, however. I think that if the default_dirs are empty then it does not update (i.e. remove) them.
You are right, both: include is already fixed, the other would be a feature request and you are also right that it does not make many sense at inkrementals.