No backup server found

I am trying to restore a copy but in UrBackup Restore says “Following error happened: No backup server found. How to continue?”

I have local connection and i tried doing a ping in Shell and it gives connection.

The server is Version 1.4.11 of UrBackup, because recent versions idk why they didn’t work in Windows Server 2008, and Client versions are 1.4.11 too.


Have you verified the UrBackup Server software is running on the Server?

Yes, and I have a image copy of a Client on the Server

Are they on the same subnet?. I have had problems with it finding servers on a different subnet.

Yes, Server is in and Client in


I never used 1.4, but can you give the exact command or make a screenshot of how you try to do the restore ?
Please also add some some client and server logs ?