MSRP 1 server and remote clients?

We are looking to offer our clients offsite backup. I am asking if we can install the client on a local server and have it offsite it on a schedule? I don’t mind using an external hard drive, then sync it later. Is this possible? We have clients all over the state that are just doing local backups.


The “classical” solution with urbackup would be to set up the backup as internet mode.

Urbackup can work with local servers and an internet server and they can be different. So the client can backup to multiple places.

So , install both an internet and a local server.
The local server can autoregister/configure the clients.

Then once all the client of that site have been backed up, you can seed the internet backup (you can search the forums for backup seeding):
Take an hard drive, just copy all the backup up files from that local server to an usb drive.
Go to the internet server add a new client, use it to backup that usb drive.
Make sure the internet server backed up all the client once.
You may then delete the temporary client you used for the usb drive.

On the local server, if files are already known, they wont be transfered fully. Only linked, because it will reconise the file signature/hash.
On the internet server default settings are so that it will also search for differences within a file to transmit only that. (It s not the default on local servers, because that takes some cpu)