Mount image backup in windows

I do nightly image backups of my servers and i want to be able to mount a backup as a drive if i need to restore data, i have been reading and found gizmo, so i unzipped a full image backup and tried to mount it using that but it isnt recognized as a virtual drive, even after uncompressing the image

Can someone assis with a program they use to mound image backups as drives ?

I have tested it with the VHD mounting integrated in Windows, Gizmo and VirtualPC and it should work in those (and more), especially since it is a ful backup.

Did Gizmo give you an error message?

Thanks for getting back to me, when i go into gizmo and select mount image, and browse to my image backup, it shows nothing, i have file type as “all mountable files”, that shows even if i uncompress the image backup it still doesnt show.

I tried in disk manager, and went to attatch vhd, i selected the vhdz but it gave me the error

“A virtual Disk support provider for the specified file was not found”

Thanks for the help and hope to speak to you soon

Could you try renaming the file from *.vhdz to *.vhd and then try to open it?

that didnt work either, the only way i resolved it was changing the backup format to vhd, but would like to use compressed if i can

Then are you sure it got decompressed and did not stop halfway through, e.g. because it ran out of disk space?

yeah i got it decompressed

i ran uncompress.bat and it said 100% press any key to continue

Got around to investigating this. It is a bug which adds garbage after the complete decompressed content during decompression. UrBackup itself is able to still read the VHD-files and no data is lost as it falls back (according to Microsoft VHD specification) to reading the header if it cannot read the footer at the end of the file. The Microsoft VHD reader does not seem to have this fallback.

I will push an update with decompression being fixed.

thanks heaps for looking into this! do you have an eta on the update ?

It’s in this version here: UrBackup Server and Client 1.4.9

Hey mate, i updated to the latest version, both on server and client, but still cant mount a .vhdx after uncompressing, i changed the name also to .vhd but still gives same errors :frowning:

Hey mate, i updated to the latest version, both on server and client, but still cant mount a .vhdx after uncompressing, i changed the name also to .vhd but still gives same errors frowning

Hey mate, i updated to the latest version, both on server and client, but still cant mount a .vhdx after uncompressing, i changed the name also to .vhd but still gives same errors frowning

You mean vhdz right?

I cannot reproduce your issue. Are you sure the images are newly created compressed images? Can you give a few details? (incremental, full, size, does it work with Gizmo etc.)
You can also try decompressing with the new assemble_disk_image.bat tool.

Hey mate, sorry a little bit more info on the issue, im running a full backup, both client and server are running 1.4.9
i used uncompress_image.bat
once uncompressed i tried to attatch in disk management, same error, a virtual disk support provider for the specified file was not found

i tried the assemble_disk_image.bat but it said could not open .mbr file

sorry the file is vhdz, not vhdx, i also tried with Gizmo and was able to mount the drive by changing the file name to .vhd

but if i attatch the vhd to a vitrual machine it wont boot

Ok, can you make sure there is a Image_C_XXXXX.vhdz.mbr or Image_C_XXXXX.vhd.mbr in the same folder and then use assemble_disk_image.bat? That should make sure the image is bootable (± Windows driver issues).

hi mate,

I made sure all the required files were in the same folder and ran assemble_disk_image.bat but it sait

errror:: vhd file is not large enough, want to write till 512 but size is 0

error: error writing to mbr

There is a problem with the partition table in your MBR. Can you attach your .mbr file here, please?

here is the .mbr, its happening on two of my servers, the third one worked (1.2 KB)

These are the ones that failed

Looking at one of them I think it is GPT formatted, which is not supported by 1.4.x. VHDs also have a maximum size of 2TB, a larger volume size could perhaps also explain the issues.