I installed all the required dependencies and can not get the mail configuration to work. I get the following error.
Sending test mail failed. Error: SSL connect error(ec=35), error:1407741A:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert decode error
I suppose there is no luck in getting the mail to work?
Has anyone configured a workaround for debian.
Hello Brian,
It’s actually a pretty easy set up I will look at my config later today and try to help you out. Are you using third party (Gmail, AOL, Outlook, Hotmail) or your own email server?
I have tried using company email server smtp.cbeyond.com, smtp.gmail.com, and local linux ssmtp fowarder to gmail. All of them give the same error about SSL connect error(ec=35) .
Okay here is exactly what I did to get mine working.
I use Ubuntu Server but the install should be straight forward
I used a combination of the two sites below to get it working. If you need help I would be happy to help you out.
Here is the site I used to get mine working -> http://www.binarytides.com/linux-mailx-command/
and this one -> http://www.telnetport25.com/2012/02/configuring-e-mail-notifications-in-nagios-core/
- heirloom-mailx
apt-get install heirloom-mailx - I made sure postfix was installed on my server if not install it
apt-get install postfix - Check to make sure it is working
netstat -ltnp | grep 25
This made mine work see the pic
Mail server name: smtp.gmail.com
Mail server port: 587
Mail server username (empty for none): mygmail email account
Mail server password: the password for my gmail account
Sender E-Mail Address: notify@notify.coopfire
Send mails only with SSL/TLS: Check this box
Check SSL/TLS certificate: Nothing here
Server admin mail address: root@notify.coopfire
I will help you if you want it shouldn’t take to long to do it also make sure you have port 587 open because most email servers now days use this port to transfer mail.
Hope this helps,
I’m not sure if bryan is using Windows or Linux, however, if you find a fix please let me know. I posted this same issue back in September of last year, but haven’t heard anything. Other than that the software is solid.
I am using Debian linux. I got it to work with gmail but not with the company’s email service, they use smtp.cbeyond.com.
After researching it I am starting to think that cbeyond is using an outdated version of openssl and something to do with bit padding is causing them to be incompatible. I set up a dummy gmail account to use for sending the log emails for now and hopefully this will be fixed later on. Let me know if you get this error with gmail? I thought I did previously but it is working now.
Our company must be blocking the ports, because using smtp.gmail.com I get the error couldn’t connect to server. Thanks for the suggestion.