Hi Martin.
I don’t know is it a bug or i don’t know how to fix this but when i install new client on a new PC it takes very long time for it to appear on the server. Everything was ok to lets say 10 clients. I’ve install it and after a sec or two it showed up on the server. Now when i install new client it takes i don’t know, about 15-20 min for it to show up. Till that time icon on the client stays red. First i thought it was my firewall or smth that client stays red. I reinstalled everything, installed from scratch bud it always stayed red. So on few clients i just left it like that (knowing that i did not change anything and that first clients that i was adding had the same configuration of firewall and network), and they just showed up after about 20 min. Please help me with that. Maybe there is a solution for this problem, but i didn’t find it on the forum.
Maybe there’s some way to force this connection?
UrBackup uses UDP packages to discover new clients. Maybe they get lost? (Is the network used heavily?)
You could try if adding the client IP to “Extra clients” at “advanced status” helps. UrBackup sends each IP listed there a extra discovery packet.
I’ve managed to get logs from my firewall on newly installed client:
2013-03-15T07:00:37+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,listen,6,,35623
2013-03-15T07:00:38+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,listen,6,,35621
2013-03-15T07:00:38+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,listen,17,,35622
2013-03-15T07:01:11+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,send,17,[color=#FF4040],[/color]58721
So from what i see client responds to server almost instantly. It looks for me like, like the thread responsible for adding new clients just doesn’t do it. Network isn’t used heavily enough for packets to get lost (i think). It does not help when i add client to Extra clients. And i sow that sometimes clients Online status is “NO” but i can manually ping those client’s without any problem. And i can’t force any backup then (Starting backup failed).
And tonight i had another problem. Urbackup service on server was using one core of the processor on 100%. So i tried to open urbackup.log file, but it had almost 4GB. I stopped the urbackup service, replaced urbackup.log with new empty one, and started it again. Just instantly my new log file got 1,6 GB big. When i managed to open the “big log file” i saw this:
2013-03-14 18:39:09: ERROR: Directory still exists. Deleting backup failed. Path: “H:\archUr\gamma\130313-0443”
2013-03-14 18:39:09: ERROR: Removing file backup with id “34” failed.
On one of the client i have in the web interface :
This client is going to be removed. Stop removing client. Clients are removed during the cleanup time window, if they are offline.
When i went to this location i saw that gamma\130313-0443 only this folder remained (and it was empty), all other data was deleted. Looking further, Unlocker app showed me that it was cmd that was holding this folder. Could it be cmd from urbackup? After unlocking folder client was properly removed from server.
[quote=“bondzo”]I’ve managed to get logs from my firewall on newly installed client:
2013-03-15T07:00:37+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,listen,6,,35623
2013-03-15T07:00:38+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,listen,6,,35621
2013-03-15T07:00:38+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,listen,17,,35622
2013-03-15T07:01:11+01:00,info,appl control,C:\Program Files\UrBackup\UrBackupClientBackend.exe,allow,send,17,[color=#FF4040],[/color]58721
So from what i see client responds to server almost instantly. It looks for me like, like the thread responsible for adding new clients just doesn’t do it. Network isn’t used heavily enough for packets to get lost (i think). It does not help when i add client to Extra clients. And i sow that sometimes clients Online status is “NO” but i can manually ping those client’s without any problem. And i can’t force any backup then (Starting backup failed).
And tonight i had another problem. Urbackup service on server was using one core of the processor on 100%. So i tried to open urbackup.log file, but it had almost 4GB. I stopped the urbackup service, replaced urbackup.log with new empty one, and started it again. Just instantly my new log file got 1,6 GB big. When i managed to open the “big log file” i saw this:
2013-03-14 18:39:09: ERROR: Directory still exists. Deleting backup failed. Path: “H:\archUr\gamma\130313-0443”
2013-03-14 18:39:09: ERROR: Removing file backup with id “34” failed.
On one of the client i have in the web interface :
This client is going to be removed. Stop removing client. Clients are removed during the cleanup time window, if they are offline.
When i went to this location i saw that gamma\130313-0443 only this folder remained (and it was empty), all other data was deleted. Looking further, Unlocker app showed me that it was cmd that was holding this folder. Could it be cmd from urbackup? After unlocking folder client was properly removed from server.[/quote]
The other problem is the same issue as in this thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=197 https://sourceforge.net/projects/urbackup/files/Server/1.2RC/ fixes it.
First problem:
Thanks for the investigation. There may be comming in too many packets at once. Which would lead to buffer overruns and dropped packets. I’ll try and add a random delay on the client side.
This version here http://sourceforge.net/projects/urbackup/files/Client/1.1.2RC/UrBackup%20Client%201.1.2-1.exe/download has the random delay. Obviously not a good solution.
Hi thnx for your reply.
I have quick question, about this client with random delay. How to distribute this client from the link centrally. I have over 40 clients installed now, doing it manually would be very time consuming.
I have a second problem. I’ve installed 1.2-1 version from your link, the server started normally, even started doing some backups, but after 2-3 min the web interface just stopped responding. Restarting the urbackup service helped but only for short time. After 2-3 min the same problem, Internet viewer indefinitely tries to open urbackup page. I went back to 1.1.1-1 version and it’s working ok now.
And i have a feature idea, to add to the status page, option to sort the clients table, by every column. It would be great I think to sort clients by name or by Last seen etc. .
It would be great if you could create a debug log of what the server is doing after those 2-3min (See http://www.urbackup.org/Administration_Manual.php#x1-440008.2 ).
For the update I uploaded the update files here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/urbackup/files/Client/1.1.2RC/update/ (See http://www.urbackup.org/Administration_Manual.php#x1-430008.1 )
Feature request accepted. But it is a lot of work and I am putting it off…
Ok. I managed to reinstall server to 1.2-1 version that you gave me. And the funny thing is that the problem does not showed up now. What’s weird because i reinstall it in the same way. But i remembered that i did not delete old log. And here’s what i found from the first install:
2013-03-18 08:52:25: ERROR: Error getting file “iuufJjdSMl7tatPkhROc|arch/disk.edr” from konachkomp1. Errorcode: HASH (8)
2013-03-18 08:53:19: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:53:19: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=3]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:53:19: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:53:19: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=22]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:53:20: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-085319-7340-6664.dmp”
2013-03-18 08:53:20: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-085319-7340-5240.dmp”
2013-03-18 08:54:10: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:54:11: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-085410-7340-3148.dmp”
2013-03-18 08:55:02: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:55:02: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=37]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:55:02: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-085502-7340-4532.dmp”
2013-03-18 08:55:53: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:55:53: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-085553-7340-7004.dmp”
2013-03-18 08:57:35: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:57:35: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-085735-7340-7556.dmp”
2013-03-18 08:58:26: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:58:26: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=27]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 08:58:26: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-085826-7340-6916.dmp”
2013-03-18 09:00:08: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT value FROM settings_db.settings WHERE key=? AND clientid=0]: no such table: settings_db.settings
2013-03-18 09:00:08: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-090008-7340-6108.dmp”
2013-03-18 09:08:50: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT t_right FROM settings_db.si_permissions WHERE clientid=? AND t_domain=?]: no such table: settings_db.si_permissions
2013-03-18 09:08:50: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130318-090850-8504-8492.dmp”
I hope that helps.
Ok, it crashed again, it just took him a little bit longer time. In the log i have:
2013-03-19 08:39:39: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT t_right FROM settings_db.si_permissions WHERE clientid=? AND t_domain=?]: no such table: settings_db.si_permissions
2013-03-19 08:39:40: ERROR: Fatal exception. Crash dump written to “C:\Windows\TEMP\UrBackup\v0.25.1-20130319-083939-8320-2360.dmp”
I’ve attached v0.25.1-20130319-083939-8320-2360.dmp file.
Thank you for preparing client install, for installing it centrally. Would I be able to prepare those files for any other version of urbackup client? If it’s not hard task i would like to know how to do it. It could be helpful in some cases. And how will i know if this client actually installed on remote PC’s.
It seems I’m getting errors: Error getting file (…) Errorcode: HASH (8) (mostly with bigger outlook files) and some warnings: HT: Error creating hardlink from.
And last feature to add (should be simple). Please put menu from the bottom on the status screen (Select all | Select none | Remove selected …) also above the table; with many clients it’s not so good to always scroll down just to see details or force backup.
Sorry about that. I think I fixed this error. Updated version is uploaded at UrBackup - Browse /Server/1.2RC at SourceForge.net .
The stable version is always here ( http://update1.urbackup.org/ autoupdate). If you want to prepare them yourself you need to switch the certificate for the signature (obviously I cannot publish the private key for that). Installer scripts etc. should be in the code repository. Currently it doesn’t show the client versions.
And last feature to add (should be simple). Please put menu from the bottom on the status screen (Select all | Select none | Remove selected …) also above the table; with many clients it’s not so good to always scroll down just to see details or force backup.[/quote]
Hi Martin.
Thank you very much for your help and quick response. From what i see now everything works very good. I have much better response from newly installed clients (random delay) and with 1.2 server.
I see that you changed “Backup in progress” text for animated icon. Its OK but there’s no info coming from it. User will know that it’s backup in progress but that’s it . My idea is (i think it will be better) to insert there mini progress bar, replacing this animated circle (just like on activities page but a lot smaller), with different colors for every backup type.
Full file: dark purple
Incremental file: purple
Full Image: dark red
Incremental image: red
In that case we will instantly know what is happening on clients.
Please treat my idea just as a suggestion.
Thank you again for this grate project.
Hi. I didn’t want to create new topic because this is not a big problem i think. A have a lot of warnings:
Creating hardlink from " (…) ~$oring 27x3.SLDPRT" to “(…) ~$oring 27x3.SLDPRT” failed. Loading file…
I’m guessing it’s because “~” sign. Is there a way to change this? Can i do smth with this?
NTFS has a quite low hard link limit of 1023 hard links. You are probably hitting that limit, in which case UrBackup will download the file, put it a second time on the hard disk and print that warning.
If this is the case it should have worked a few times without warnings first.
I’ve uploaded a command line tool here with which you could take a look at the hard link counts of the files involved: http://sourceforge.net/projects/urbackup/files/Misc/Server%20tools/linkcount_w32.zip/download