Logfile extention at server: add client name please

Hi Developer,

i like to propose a extention to the log please.

Challenge: monitoring Backup result on Urbackup server

Today: server logfile shows a generic final message after client backup like this:
2017-09-29 19:33:33: Updating statistics…
2017-09-29 19:33:33: ERROR: Backup failed
2017-09-29 19:33:33: Time taken for backing up client notebook01: 10m 19s

but it is not reliable determination to assume that the line before the final one belongs to the “final message”. especially if there are >1 client.

possible solution: add the client name to that final message.
could look like this then:
2017-09-29 19:33:33: Updating statistics…
2017-09-29 19:33:33: ERROR: client notebook01: Backup failed
2017-09-29 19:33:33: Time taken for backing up client notebook01: 10m 19s

admins with monitoring systems (or even simple logfile analyzer scripts) could then watch the logfile and alert the admin. as a lot of monitoring systems do have logfile watcher it would be very easy to use.

Could you implement that small, but helpful change?

thanks in advance!

I think it s better to prefix the message with the client name
just between date and the log message.
So the clientname would allays be the third column.

Possibly add an action id, as 4th column, in case there s 2 parallel actions running , like 2 backups or a backup and a restore.

yes, also fine.
@Dev´s: any chance that you upgrade Urbackup with this feature?


@Dev’s: This is an excellent suggestion, and seems like and easy quick win. 'course I’m not the one developing…

I sure would make scanning the logs easier.

This would add a considerable amount of context to the server logs. +1

Would be the best, so there is always the right context for the message being printed.