Linux Clients - How to specify Backup paths

Hey Guys,

      How are ya'll doing? I installed the urbackup client on my linux server and I do not know how to specify the path's. The one I want to backup is actually only one path because this is a Linux Virtual Host using KVM. The VMs are one file called *.img. Can someone point me in the right direction? Which file do I specify my file paths in to back up?

I realize on a server there is no gui how ever I have gnome core and vnc running on this server


I figured it out guys sorry it was easy actually, I will be answering and posting. Thanks again.

This is an awesome piece of software … I am loving it. :grinning:


can you tell me how do you have specify the backup paths on a Linux cleint without GUi ?

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I would say with something like the following command:
urbackupclientctl add-backupdir -d /home/

Run it on the system you want to backup.
Of course you also can define the path in the clients setting “Default directories to backup” (this will be overwritten with the command above) in the admin web interface.