LAN security

If a host on the LAN has UrBackup client installed, and it has been discovered by UrBackup server, it knows server credentials (server_idents.txt).
Are those credentials enough to install a “rogue” UrBackup server and steal/backup files from other clients on the LAN?

Hi, details are described in the admin manual under Client Security…

Basically the client will automatically accept the first server it sees, once it has connected to this server it will not be able to connect
to a 2nd server (ie “rogue” server). There are a couple of expections for running multiple servers or moving installs which the guide describes.

[quote=“bjharper”]the client will automatically accept the first server it sees, once it has connected to this server it will not be able to connect
to a 2nd server (ie “rogue” server).[/quote]
Why not?
“rogue” host learned server_ident.key content when its client was discovered by “legit” server. Now both server (“legit” and “rogue”) have the same server_ident.key.

Am I missing something?


[quote=“superceu”]If a host on the LAN has UrBackup client installed, and it has been discovered by UrBackup server, it knows server credentials (server_idents.txt).
Are those credentials enough to install a “rogue” UrBackup server and steal/backup files from other clients on the LAN?[/quote]

Yes. I have fixed this now in 1.4 by adding additional public/private keys to the server, but this is currentyl being tested.

Great news! I’ll test 1.4

Okay. Just uploaded the version which includes this.