Is there a Freebsd Client running?

Hi All,
Is it possible to compile and run the client on FreeBSD? nas4free or freenas
Can someone provide a short howto?

Many Thanks

There is a guide on the FreeNAS forums that is linked under the download tab on the main UrBackup site. It gives a step by step walk through on compiling it in FreeNAS.

There is also a precompilied version for FreeNAS but when I have tried it in the past it has always given me errors and not worked.

Thanks Shedstrom.
The link referring to the server installation, i would like to run a client on FreeBSD.

Thanks again

David -
Curious to know if you ever found a way to install the client on FreeBSD. I too am looking for a way to install on my FreeNAS so I can push files to another machine from there.

Sorry for the late response.
Unfortunately no. I think i will mount it via ssfs on a linux server and hope it will work.


I’ve also been trying to compile the latest v2 client in a freenas jail.
So far it’s failing because it can’t find xattr.h
I’m surprised it’s proving difficult as the server compiles easily and runs well in a freenas jail.

If anyone can help I’m all ears.


For the record.
I ran out of time on this and so installed a W7 VM which runs the backup client.
Not ideal but it works. In retrospect I should have used a Linux VM but it works and Is currently backing up on site, about 40miles from here.