We are currently looking to replace our backup solution with another … we came across urbackup and see we can install qpkg package from UrBackup - MyQNAP … while the installation process is quite easy, the configuration process documentation is limited at best (none) … we have attempted to create a new shared folder (backups) and new user (urbackup) and given full permission … unfortunately, we still get the error:
the directory where UrBackup will save backups is inaccessible. Please fix that by modifying this folder in ‘Settings’ or by giving UrBackup rights to access this directory. (err_folder_not_found). No such file or directory (code: 2)
Can access /
Can access /mnt
Cannot access /mnt/backups. No such file or directory (code: 2)
does anyone know how to resolve the issue of permissions on a qnap as it doesn’t appear we are able to resolve via the qnap interface.
Thanks for any help you can provide.