So if you do it this way, then try and browse the backups remotely, it fails because it can’t find the symlinks.
I worked around the issues y doing htis in the host:
mount --bind /mnt/tank/urbackup_backup /backups
CONFIG="follow symlinks = yes\nwide links = yes\nunix extensions = no\nallow insecure wide links = yes"
# Check if the configurations are already present in smb4.conf
grep -q -F "symlinks" "$SMB_CONF"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Configurations are already present in $SMB_CONF. No changes made."
# Append the configurations and restart the Samba service
echo -e "\n$CONFIG" | sudo tee -a "$SMB_CONF"
sudo systemctl restart smbd
echo "Configurations added to $SMB_CONF. Samba service restarted."