Install Linux (Elementary OS-Ubuntu derivative) Client 2.5.25

When this product works - it works. However when it refuses to work, it will drive you totally nuts.

-moved away from Ubuntu Linux (22.04 LTS) onto Elementary OS 8
-doesn’t matter why

Step 1. Removed the old client from UrBackup server; waited a day for the internal cleanup to take place before adding the new client.

Step 2.
-ensured that sudo was enabled while in cli mode
-used the below command from the UrBackup download website to install the client as this worked in the past.
Install with:

TF=$(mktemp) && wget "" -O $TF && sudo sh $TF; rm -f $TF

-everything went without a hitch

Step 3.
-verified the installation
-used following command which produced below
sudo cat /usr/local/var/urbackup/data/settings.cfg

computername=IxxxxxxxxL <-name protected
internet_mode_enabled.use_lm=1737662556 ← link protected

-then checked the connection with the following command
sudo urbackupclientctl status

“capability_bits”: 65548,
“finished_processes”: ,
“internet_connected”: true,
“internet_status”: “connected”,
“last_backup_time”: 0,
“running_processes”: ,
“servers”: ,
“time_since_last_lan_connection”: 3363859

Step 4. Attempt to start a backup manually via cli on client
-the client was added on the webgui and showed that it was last seen on 01/23/25 15:00 however it is saying it is not online

-the status above show it is connected and that I’ve successfully added the above directories and paths to be backed-up:

sudo urbackupclientctl list-backupdirs

/home/xxxx Documents symlinks_optional,share_hashes
/home/xxxx Downloads symlinks_optional,share_hashes

When I try to start a manual backup, the following is shown:
sudo /usr/local/bin/urbackupclientctl start -f
Error starting backup. No backup server found.

WHY? would it show on the webgui and say that it is internet connected.

This is completely insane.

The server is fine backing-up windows clients, it’s doing so now, but everytime Linux is involved, it’s a level of frustration that is incomprehensible.

I’ve searched other linux issues on this forum, but it seems everyone’s Linux issue is unique.

This is being displayed on the client log - /var/log/urbackupclient.log:
ERROR: Error joining ipv6 multicast group ff12::f894:d:dd00:ef91

Interesting: neither the client nor the server is setup to use IPv6.

Can someone bring me some sanity as I have no clue what to do further to make this Linux client connect to the server so it can backup finally?

Your intervention is appreciated.

P.S. The server is at version UrBackup 2.5.33 on Debian Bookworm VM.

Absolutely stunning!

I enter this command at the client cli and see below what it produces:

sudo urbackupclientbackend -v debug
[sudo] password for xxxx:
2025-01-23 17:49:49: ERROR: urbackupserver: Failed binding socket to port 35623. Another instance of this application may already be active and bound to this port.
2025-01-23 17:49:49: ERROR: Binding tcp socket to port 35621 failed. Another instance of this application may already be active and bound to this port.
2025-01-23 17:49:49: ERROR: FileServ exit with error code: 99
2025-01-23 17:49:49: Started UrBackupClient Backend…
2025-01-23 17:49:50: Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
2025-01-23 17:49:50: Internet only mode not enabled. Waiting for local server for 3:00…
2025-01-23 17:49:50: Final path: /home/xxxx
2025-01-23 17:49:50: Final path: /home/xxxx
2025-01-23 17:52:50: Trying to connect to internet server urbackup://
2025-01-23 17:52:50: Successfully connected.

Right!! So I thought.
-checked the webgui and lo and behold - Not Online - again!

How can anyone get to conclusion or a solution when all of these false-positive messages are happening?

Like literally a few minutes ago, this happened after powering-up my Elementary OS 8 Laptop:

sudo urbackupclientbackend -v debug
[sudo] password for xxxx:
2025-01-24 15:15:06: ERROR: Binding tcp socket to port 35621 failed. Another instance of this application may already be active and bound to this port.
2025-01-24 15:15:06: ERROR: FileServ exit with error code: 99
2025-01-24 15:15:06: ERROR: urbackupserver: Failed binding socket to port 35623. Another instance of this application may already be active and bound to this port.
2025-01-24 15:15:06: Started UrBackupClient Backend…
2025-01-24 15:15:07: Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
2025-01-24 15:15:12: Internet only mode not enabled. Waiting for local server for 3:00…
2025-01-24 15:15:12: Final path: /home/xxxx
2025-01-24 15:15:12: Final path: /home/xxxx
2025-01-24 15:18:12: Trying to connect to internet server urbackup://
2025-01-24 15:18:12: Successfully connected.
2025-01-24 15:20:47: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2025-01-24 15:20:47: ClientService cmd: #IEcggrilovtkmWRYvHVgC#2PING RUNNING pc_done=&status_id=9&speed_bpms=0&total_bytes=-1&done_bytes=0&paused_fb=1#token=yHF8c5ZtdMEzZlcvNAqC
2025-01-24 15:20:57: Client timeout in ClientConnector::Run
2025-01-24 15:20:57: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2025-01-24 15:21:44: Started connection to SERVICE_FILESRV
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSRV received 72
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSrv: Received data…
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSrv: Identity check failed -2 (#IEcggrilovtkmWRYvHVgC#)
2025-01-24 15:21:44: SERVICE_FILESRV finished
2025-01-24 15:21:44: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2025-01-24 15:21:44: ClientService cmd: #IEcggrilovtkmWRYvHVgC#START SC “Downloads”#token=yHF8c5ZtdMEzZlcvNAqC
2025-01-24 15:21:44: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2025-01-24 15:21:44: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2025-01-24 15:21:44: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2025-01-24 15:21:44: ClientService cmd: #IEcggrilovtkmWRYvHVgC#STOP SC “Downloads”#token=yHF8c5ZtdMEzZlcvNAqC
2025-01-24 15:21:44: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2025-01-24 15:21:44: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2025-01-24 15:21:44: Started connection to SERVICE_FILESRV
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSRV received 114
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSrv: Received data…
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2025-01-24 15:21:44: FileSrv: Identity check failed -2 (#IEcggrilovtkmWRYvHVgC#)
2025-01-24 15:21:44: SERVICE_FILESRV finished

Then in another cli terminal window:

sudo /usr/local/bin/urbackupclientctl start -f
Waiting for server to start backup… done
Completed successfully.

Signed onto the webgui and not only was it online, it was backing-up the Laptop and completed successfully as above message.

I DID NOTHING other than reboot my Laptop this afternoon and issue the above commands. Yesterday, I rebooted my Laptop several times but to no avail.

Even the initial message on port binding didn’t matter.

See, as I said initially - when this product works, it works. But it will make you go nuts trying to figure-out connectivity issues.

Thanks goodness I won’t have to tell my wife to check me into the asylum after all.

Hope anything in this thread helps someone.
