Inport another vxd for restore

Love your software. I was just wondering if it would be possible to restore a vxd created by another program (Such as systools Disk2vhd). I have quite a bit of backups this way and would like to know if I can import them into your system or perhaps overwrite an existing vxd you created with one I would like to restore.

No, sorry.
Those vhds have a certain offset (where the real data starts). Disk2VHD certainly saves that data at another offset. Then one would have to build a tool to do such an import.
All in all: It would be possible. Some work. And apart from your special case I do not see the general use case. I’ll not stop you from adding that yourself!

I’m assuming you are talking about VHDs?

Yes, I was referring to VHD’s.

I tried your CD restore and it works great. Now if there was a way to pull a Virtual machine to Physical, but I have only been sucessful with ghost.

I would think that if the modifications are not great, you may find a large audiance in the disaster recovery segment.

Also you state that you can only do a single machine through NAT with firewall ports directed to a single PC. What if you direct the inbound ports to the broadcast address instead of the specific machine?

I will be replacing my use of a periodic vhd creation with your excellent solution.

I’m working on an Internet mode (with NAT traversal):