FML! I DID IT! After 14 days tweaking around:
I think it had something to do with the indexing of my C: drive.
As indexing service was manually disabled but on windows when you right click on the c drive the checkmark for indexing was enabled for the drive.
deleted Urbackup client, started “windows search” service (back to automatic), reindexed the whole drive. restarted the client.
on the urbackupsrv: stop server, cleanup, remove-unknown, checked on backupfolder (drive) if folder of the client still was existing -yes, deleted it manually, again cleanup and remove-unknown on the server. restarted the urbackup server
installed urbackup client freshly, suddenly new behavior: client couldnt connect to urbackup srv.
Removed client, restart client, download client from local server again (Client Version 2.4.11) saw that the downloading file renamed itself to something like "UrBackup Client (SRV-TERM-01)(1).exe because i had already 3 clients downloaded. Maybe the automatic duplicate renaming also caused error? Removed the existing downloaded clients from the folder and downloaded again so that the file has no (1) on the end.
Checked on existing folders of urbackup on client, yes still there, removed still existing “urbackup” folder on c drive. Installed fresh client in different folder “urbackup2”
URBACKUP MAKE YOUR MAGIC (again… finally…)
Working again.
I am in Urbackup heaven.
I wanna thank my mum, my dad and of course uroni, i had a dream, and i did it. Everything is possible.