How to disable incremental backups (img/files)

Hi all,

I have Urbackup implemented/testing it on a small company (10users), and I’m very happy with this amazing project :)
I’m having trouble on a user, that is doing incremental backups (interval less then 15min all day long), when I have defined 48 hours, configure details:

Interval for incremental file backups 48 hours
Interval for full file backups 7 days
Inverval for incremental image backups 7 days
Interval for full image backups 7 days
Maximal number of incremental file backups 1
Minimal number of incremental file backups 1
Maximal number of full file backups 2
Minimal number of full file backups 2
Maximal number of incremental image backups 1
Minimal number of incremental image backups 1
Maximal number of full image backups 2
Minimal number of full image backups 2

I’ve read all the manual, and I’m not interested on incremental backups, only in full (img and files).
I would like to know how can I achieve this option. I’ve also tried to put 0 on all incremental options but it didn’t work.
I have the server on Debian, this specific user haves windows xp.

Thanks for your help,



where Uroni wrote:

[quote=""]For all intends and purposes except what gets transfered every file backup behaves like a full backup. You can even delete all full backups and the incrementals will still be complete.[/quote]So why are you not interested in incremental backups then? It reduces massively the amount of tranferred data and you have the same result (full backups every day).

If you change the settings on the server interface you should also uncheck “Allow client to change settings”. Maybe that helps. You can defacto disable incremental backups by increasing the interval to a really high number.

Hi all,



where Uroni wrote:

Thanks, I didn’t realised that. So in that case yes I want incremental.

Yes It was activated, I solved the problem by unistall and installing the client again.

Thanks for the clarification.

Hi. I would like to thank you for this great project and I would like to connect to this request.
In my firm we have a lot of users, using cyphered containers, and we are just backing up the container file. Incremental backup just backs up full container. It would be a niece to have option to just disable incremental backup for this users because full file backup is enough.

You can disable the incremental file backups by setting the interval to a negative value (e.g. -1) in UrBackup Server 1.1.I’ll add a check box for that at some point.

Didn’t know that. Thnx for the info.

Martin this solution does not work in version 1.3.2