Helping testing on SMB 2011


I would like to help testing the server and client software, but need help to install on SMB 2011

Best Regards

Hans Clausen

Okay. Thanks.
I’m assuming SMB 2011 is some kind of windows server edition?
I’ve created an server installer for x86/x64 it’s available here for testing:

I did some preliminary testing on a x86 and x64 windows 7.
Be sure that the first thing you do after installation is going to the webinterface on port 55414 and set the backup storage directory in the settings.

Things that would be interesting:
*What happens if the storage space in the target directory is exhausted
*What happens if the server runs out of temporary space (probably C:) (is probably difficult to produce)
*What happens if the maximum hard link count of a file is reached

I did the heavy testing on linux thus if this works on windows is not clear yet.

This version does some heavy debug logging - the logfile will probably get huge.


The installer seems to work fine, but how do I change server address on the clients?
Tried to edit the “pw.txt” with the server key, because I could not find the “server_idents.txt”, but it don’t find the server.
Any ports on the server needed open for the connection.
What about about user rights in AD environment?

SMB 2011 is Microsoft Small Business Server 2011 :-)
As I know is it build on the Server 2008 platform

Best Regards

Hans Clausen

The client listens on port 35623 TCP (commands), on 35621 TCP(files) and 35622 UDP (name announcements). All connections are from server to client.
The client runs as a service. A Windows firewall exception is automatically added by the installer. It runs as a service and thus has service rights and should be able to access all files.
I’m not sure what you mean with user rights in AD environment? (I know what AD is, but not what you hint at)
The “pw.txt” is only there so the “TrayIcon” can connect itself to the service --> as soon as you have rights to access pw.txt you can start backups and change settings and view logs.

The server activly searches for clients. It repeatedly broadcasts to and tries to backup every client that answers. So all you need to do is put server
and client into the same network and it should work.
If it doesn’t could you please look for anomalities in the logfiles (server and client)?

As I understand, the only thing to do is, to run installer on the server and on the client computers.
No need to do any changes in any file?

This is dump from the debug.log in the client:
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 1 sessions
deleting cached settings…
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD tname TEXT;]: duplicate column name: tname
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD orig_target TEXT;]: duplicate column name: orig_target
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD filesrv INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: filesrv
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_ids ADD index_done INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: index_done
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE logdata ADD ltime DATE;]: duplicate column name: ltime
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_data ADD attributes INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: attributes
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
ERROR: Password wrong!
ERROR: Password wrong!
ERROR: Password wrong!
deleting cached settings…
destroying databases…
deleting stream services…
deleting plugins…
Deleting threadsafe plugins…
Deleting pluginmanagers…
Deleting actions…
Deleting sessmgr…
removing sessions…
waiting for sessionmgr…
Shutting down ThreadPool…
ERROR: Maximum wait time for thread pool exceeded. Shutting down the hard way
unloading dlls…
Destroying mutexes
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
deleting cached settings…
destroying databases…
deleting stream services…
deleting plugins…
Deleting threadsafe plugins…
Deleting pluginmanagers…
Deleting actions…
Deleting sessmgr…
removing sessions…
waiting for sessionmgr…
Shutting down ThreadPool…
ERROR: Maximum wait time for thread pool exceeded. Shutting down the hard way
unloading dlls…
Destroying mutexes
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
deleting cached settings…
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD tname TEXT;]: duplicate column name: tname
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD orig_target TEXT;]: duplicate column name: orig_target
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD filesrv INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: filesrv
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_ids ADD index_done INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: index_done
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE logdata ADD ltime DATE;]: duplicate column name: ltime
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_data ADD attributes INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: attributes
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions

This is dump from debug.log on the server:
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 1 sessions
deleting cached settings…
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD tname TEXT;]: duplicate column name: tname
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD orig_target TEXT;]: duplicate column name: orig_target
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD filesrv INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: filesrv
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_ids ADD index_done INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: index_done
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE logdata ADD ltime DATE;]: duplicate column name: ltime
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_data ADD attributes INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: attributes
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
ERROR: Password wrong!
ERROR: Password wrong!
ERROR: Password wrong!
deleting cached settings…
destroying databases…
deleting stream services…
deleting plugins…
Deleting threadsafe plugins…
Deleting pluginmanagers…
Deleting actions…
Deleting sessmgr…
removing sessions…
waiting for sessionmgr…
Shutting down ThreadPool…
ERROR: Maximum wait time for thread pool exceeded. Shutting down the hard way
unloading dlls…
Destroying mutexes
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
deleting cached settings…
destroying databases…
deleting stream services…
deleting plugins…
Deleting threadsafe plugins…
Deleting pluginmanagers…
Deleting actions…
Deleting sessmgr…
removing sessions…
waiting for sessionmgr…
Shutting down ThreadPool…
ERROR: Maximum wait time for thread pool exceeded. Shutting down the hard way
unloading dlls…
Destroying mutexes
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
deleting cached settings…
Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD tname TEXT;]: duplicate column name: tname
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD orig_target TEXT;]: duplicate column name: orig_target
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE shadowcopies ADD filesrv INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: filesrv
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_ids ADD index_done INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: index_done
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE logdata ADD ltime DATE;]: duplicate column name: ltime
ERROR: Error preparing Query [ALTER TABLE journal_data ADD attributes INTEGER;]: duplicate column name: attributes
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions

Yeah no need to change any files. Except if you uninstalled the server once you have to delete the “server_idents.txt” on the clients. This is a security feature. Every client can only be accessed by the first server it sees.

Are you sure the server log is from the server because it says there:

Starting as client...

This should not happen on the server. If it is indeed the server could it be that you have installed client and server into the same directory (bad idea). Or if not can you please tell me the content of “args.txt”?


I did a closer look.
It seems like the server installer, also installs client software.
I were able to start the client software on the server.

On the server “C:\Program Files\UrBackupServer” there is a file called debug.txt, and it is from there the dump is.
So where is the server log located, and what is the filename? Can’t find any other .log files in the install folder.

If I want to start from scratch…

  • Run uninstall on client and server.
  • Any files needed deleted manual?
  • First install the server, and define backup location
  • Then install client.

After reinstall the server log “C:\Program Files\UrBackupServer\debug.txt” look like this:

Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -download- plugin
Loaded -piped_process- plugin
Loading DLL “pychart.dll” failed. Error Code: 126
ERROR: Loading pychart.dll failed
Starting HTTP-Server on port 55414
HTTP: Server started up sucessfully!
Starting as server…
Generating Server identity…
Started UrBackup…
ERROR: Error loading IPychartFactory
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153034 s: 92
HTTP: No available slots… starting new Worker
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153034
Sending file: urbackup\www/index.htm
Sending file: urbackup\www/index.htm done
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 1 1153081
Sending file: urbackup\www/layout.css
Sending file: urbackup\www/layout.css done
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153096 s: 552
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153096
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153096
Sending file: urbackup\www/prototype.js
Sending file: urbackup\www/prototype.js done
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153128 s: 92
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153128 s: 556
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153128 s: 560
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153143 s: 564
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153143 s: 568
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153143
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153143
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153143
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153143
Sending file: urbackup\www/templates.js
Sending file: urbackup\www/templates.js done
Sending file: urbackup\www/urbackup_functions.js
Sending file: urbackup\www/urbackup_functions.js done
Sending file: urbackup\www/urbackup.js
Sending file: urbackup\www/urbackup.js done
Sending file: urbackup\www/md5.js
Sending file: urbackup\www/md5.js done
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153143
Sending file: urbackup\www/translation.js
Sending file: urbackup\www/translation.js done
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 1 1153159
Sending file: urbackup\www/indicator.gif
Sending file: urbackup\www/indicator.gif done
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153174
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153190
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153206
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153206
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153221
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153237
HTTP: Sleeping…1153237
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153330 s: 568
HTTP: Waking up…1153330
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153330
Sending file: urbackup\www/header.png
Sending file: urbackup\www/header.png done
HTTP: Removing user1153471
HTTP: Sleeping…1153471
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153627 s: 592
HTTP: Waking up…1153627
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153627
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1153642 s: 600
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153642
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1153642
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1153642
HTTP: Sleeping…1153642
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1154266 s: 616
HTTP: Waking up…1154266
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1154266
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1154298 s: 600
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1154313
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1154329
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1154376
HTTP: Sleeping…1154376
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1156092 s: 624
HTTP: Waking up…1156092
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1156092
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1156092
HTTP: Sleeping…1156092
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1156217 s: 600
HTTP: Waking up…1156217
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1156217
Incoming data for client…
HTTP: Removing user1156326
HTTP: Sleeping…1156326
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1158947 s: 624
HTTP: Waking up…1158947
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1158947
HTTP: Removing user1159087
HTTP: Sleeping…1159087
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1193828 s: 452
HTTP: Waking up…1193828
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1193828
HTTP: Removing user1195061
HTTP: Sleeping…1195061
HTTP: New Connection incomming 1390733 s: 516
HTTP: Waking up…1390733
Incoming data for client…
Parsing done… starting handling request_num: 0 1390733
HTTP: Removing user1390873
HTTP: Sleeping…1390873
Looking for old Sessions… 1 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 1 sessions
Session timeout: Session fjpQFlAH03WOeqI36l870PxVmyaoF9
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions

And the client log “C:\Program Files\UrBackup\debug.txt” look like this:

Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Looking for old Sessions… 1 sessions
Looking for old Sessions… 1 sessions
Session timeout: Session aUera5N6tnFlTCC7qu3HXnwNwDf23E
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
ERROR: CreateFile of volume ‘\MF-SERVER\RedirectedFolders’ failed. - watchDir
Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions

If I try to do a full image backup, an error message prompts “Could not start backup, because no backup server was found”

The Server and Client is on same subnet.

The client is connected wireless to a d-link router.
One of the 4 ports on the router is connected to an unmanaged switch.
The server is connected to the switch.

Is it the server that makes connection to the client or is it otherwise?

What should i look fore with wireshark?

I am rely not that good at using wireshark :-(

Please see the attached file

I can see the broadcast from the server, but it seems like the client doesn’t respond.

Is a C class network

The attachment function did not work for me, so here is a link to the file

Just installed the client app on a Windows 7 starter.
It’s not member of a domain like the other computer I am testing with and it works…

So it might be the domain policies that does the difference.

I am not able to to disable firewall on domain members.

Maby the firewall settings the client installer make, is overruled by the domain policies.

I can see the changes in firewall.

I will play with domain policies tomorrow.

If you like, I can translate the fine work you did with the URBackup to danish

More logs :)

Loaded -fileserv- plugin
Loaded -fsimageplugin- plugin
Loaded -cryptoplugin- plugin
Starting as client…
WARNING: Upgrading…
Started UrBackup…
urbackupserver: Server started up sucessfully!
Info: retval 0
Info: retval 0
Info: Window size=524288
Binding udp socket…
Disabling new behavior…
Servername: -DKMAKFRA-ABOOK-
Server started up sucessfully
UDP Thread startet
Looking for old Sessions… 1 sessions
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71261022 s: 628
urbackupserver: No available slots… starting new Worker
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: STATUS#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71261022
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71261022
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71261022 s: 660
urbackupserver: Waking up…71261022
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: GET INCRINTERVALL#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71261022
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71261022
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71309398 s: 668
urbackupserver: Waking up…71309398
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: START BACKUP FULL#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71309398
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71309398
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71321036 s: 624
urbackupserver: Waking up…71321036
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: STATUS#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71321036
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71321036
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71321036 s: 668
urbackupserver: Waking up…71321036
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: GET INCRINTERVALL#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71321036
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71321036
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71336636 s: 120
urbackupserver: Waking up…71336636
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: GET LOGPOINTS#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71336636
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71336636
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71346168 s: 116
urbackupserver: Waking up…71346168
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: GET BACKUP DIRS#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71346168
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71346168
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71354654 s: 668
urbackupserver: Waking up…71354654
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: SAVE BACKUP DIRS#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq&dir_0=\MF-SERVER\RedirectedFolders\dkmakfra\Desktop\Absolutehits 2010
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71354763
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71354763
ERROR: CreateFile of volume ‘\MF-SERVER\RedirectedFolders’ failed. - watchDir
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71381049 s: 680
urbackupserver: Waking up…71381049
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: STATUS#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71381049
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71381049
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71381049 s: 668
urbackupserver: Waking up…71381049
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: GET INCRINTERVALL#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71381049
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71381049
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71441063 s: 664
urbackupserver: Waking up…71441063
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: STATUS#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71441063
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71441063
urbackupserver: New Connection incomming 71441063 s: 668
urbackupserver: Waking up…71441063
Incoming data for client…
ClientService cmd: GET INCRINTERVALL#pw=rb0x516R9L7QagHQRwVkqIZrvkLytq
Incoming data for client…
rc=0 hasError=true
urbackupserver: Removing user71441063
urbackupserver: Sleeping…71441063

Now it seems to work… :D

I forgot to disable DNS forward on the router.

The Windows Small Business Server 2001 has a network repair tool and because I had some issues after a VirtualBox installation, I used that tool. (Don’t install VirtualBox on SMD 2011, it fucks up the networkconnections)
The tool told that DNS forward was set on the router and it recommended to disable.

The funny thing is that the to clients I was testing on, did use the server as DNS server, but disabling the DNS forward on the router did the thing.
Suddenly the two computers started image backup… Nice.

I will test further and see if I can get the time to translate to danish.

I’m just curious, why have you chosen to make the connection between client and server like the way you did.
Why not define the server address on the clients, instead of searching for clients?

Next thing is to make backup from one broadcast domain to another and I know that will require a server address.