UrBackup Restore CD 1.2 will be able to restore GPT formatted hard disks and therefore should be able to boot (as easy as possible) with UEFI firmware. I need help testing this on as much different hardware with UEFI as possible.
Please test following:
- The Restore CD boots without having to change anything in the EFI setup
- The Restore CD works when Secure Boot is disabled
- The Restore CD works in the Legacy BIOS mode
- If it does only boot in Legacy BIOS mode: Other EFI enabled Linux based live cds work such as Knoppix ( http://www.knoppix.org/ )
The iso is available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/urbackup/files/Restore/1.2WIP/urbackup_restore_1.2WIP.iso/download