Full file backup not working


I have UrBackup 1.4.9 Server on FreeBSD (inside a FreeNAS Jail) running.

I also installed the Client 1.4.9 on Win7Pro. The client will do a full and incremental image backup no problem. However, it will not do a Full File Backup.

Initially, I had the “C:” drive set as File Backup Path. That did not work. Than I deleted that path and setup specific folders. UrbackupClient seems to index those folder properly, but than it tries to index drive C: again, and fails and than deletes the whole backup instance.

Here is the log:

Starting full file backup...
Restarting shadow copy of C:\ because it was started by this server
Indexing of "SSAPro 2011" done. 351 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
Indexing of "User" done. 2623 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
Indexing of "Owner" done. 3298 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
Full Backup of Laptop failed - CONNECT error
Backup had errors. Deleting partial backup.
Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 2h 40m before next file backup

The firewall is off on the client and the server, it internal network. Like I said, image backup is no problem.
I also restarted the client and server, did not help.

Please help!


Alright, problem solved.

I did not realize, that closing the client in the task bar, actually does not stop the Urbackup service.

Once I restarted the service, the full file backup worked right away.
