From field is not right


When I test the mail setting, I receive an email with the “from” field messed up. Here is a sample of the “from” field.

De: administrateur@xyz.local Subject: UrBackup mail test Date: Wed <administrateur@xyz.local Subject: UrBackup mail test Date: Wed>, 26 Dec 2012 14:58:53 Paris <26 Dec 2012 14:58:53 Paris>, Madrid This is a test mail from UrBackup

As you can see, the subject field is included in the from filed.


Thanks for reporting this error. I think I found it – Only LF instead of CRLF in mail header. Which system are you using (and which mailserver), so I may give you an updated version.

Urbackup server (1.0.1) is running on Win 2003 R2 and I am using hmailserver.
