Freenas Copy-On-Write not working


I’m running Urbackup in a Freenas Jail. I’ve installed Urbackup as descrobed here:

Further I set the following sysctl’s in the Jail options:
With this options is possible to map a ZFS Volume into the Jail and to create/delete dataset in the Jail.

I’ve used on the Freenas host the following commands to map a ZFS dataset into the Jail:
zfs set jailed=on u01/u/01 #Allow ZFS operations in Jail
zfs jail ub01 u01/u/01 #Present ZFS Dataset to Jail
jexec ub01 zfs mount u01/u/01 #mount Dataset in Jail

urbackup_snapshot_helper gives:
root@ub01:~ # urbackup_snapshot_helper test
Testing for btrfs…
TEST FAILED: Creating test btrfs subvolume failed
Testing for zfs…

The problem: If i try to run a Full Image Backup for host test003 I’m getting a error.
2018-05-25 12:18:39: ERROR: Could rename symlink at /mnt/u01/u/01/test003/180525-1218_Image_SYSVOL_new to /mnt/u01/u/01/test003/180525-1218_Image_SYSVOL. Is a directory (code: 21)
2018-05-25 12:18:39: ERROR: Error creating image backup destination.

How can i fix this problem?
Maybe the rename is not working because already a dataset with the destination name exists?

Logfile and Console output is attached.logfile_and_console.txt (2.4 KB)

Hello Matthias,
if you are trying this with the old warden jail than have a look at my post
Freenas COW with different datasets

Make sure you are using different datasets for image backups, file backups and for the backup folder (backup folder only has symlinks to datasets).

keep the paths as short as possible!

Hello uroni,
hello cellardoor,

thanks for your answers! It worked with cellardoor’s Post!