Folders to back up (Linux)

I have used BackupPC on my home network for years, but started looking for something simpler in a mixed environment. I just installed urbackup for testing. So far I am very impressed! I am using Windows7 for a server (will probably switch to Linux before going live), and mixed Windows and Linux clients.

I notice most of the documentation for the client is oriented towards Windows. So my question is how to specify the following parameters in Linux:

Default directories to backup

Volumes to backup

I can’t seem to find a syntax for these two that works. (note I am setting all clients up from the server GUI)

Thanks in advance for your help!


The Linux client does not support image backups.

The default directories syntax is the same as for Windows, for example “/home;/etc”

If you ever set a backup path via client interface before you need to reinstall or continue to set the backup paths via client interface.