File permission for urbackupclient on synology

I setup an urbackupclient on a synology NAS.
All my shared folders are empty on my backupserver !
I dig on file rights : synology is using synotoolacl to affect rights permissions.
I try to change linux permissions
initially d--------+
becoming drwxrwxrwx+
I change owner and group …
I have chown root:root right now
but it is always empty

I have several questions

  • anyone solve that issue ?
  • what is urbackupclient user on synology (I run urbackupclient -f start being root or admin)

thank you

Digging I found

root@NAS1:~# more /etc/systemd/system/
Description=UrBackup Client backend

ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/urbackupclientbackend --config /etc/sysconfig/urbackupclient --no-consoletime


root@NAS1:~# more /etc/sysconfig/urbackupclient
'# Defaults for urbackup_client initscript
'# sourced by /etc/init.d/urbackupclientbackend
'# installed at /etc/default/urbackupclient by the maintainer scripts

'# This is parsed as a key=value file

#logfile name

#Either debug,warn,info or error

#Max size of the log file before rotation
#Disable if you are using logrotate for
#more advanced configurations (e.g. with compression)

#Max number of log files during rotation

#Tmp file directory

'# Valid settings:
'# “client-confirms”: If you have the GUI component the currently active user
'# will need to confirm restores from the web interface.
'# If you have no GUI component this will cause restores
'# from the server web interface to not work
'# “server-confirms”: The server will ask the user starting the restore on
'# the web interface for confirmation
'# “disabled”: Restores via web interface are disabled.
'# Restores via urbackupclientctl still work


#If true client will not bind to any external network ports (either true or false)

I don’t understand why being root it doesn’t read my share folder