File Backup

I’m trying to do a complete file backup and I’m not sure why I told it to do C drive and it will just say queuing then it acts like it backed up the computer but there are no files backed up. There is no errors listed. Anyone got a idea what the problem is here?

It may already be fixed. Can you try this version:

We do have the Version you mentioned (and also the rc-server), but nevertheless have the same problem.
When opening the webinterface (activities), the queue shows 0 files.
Thank you,
TC / linCK-IT GmbH & Co. KG

Sorry. I’m having trouble reproducing the problem. Did you set any includes/excludes?

If not:
C:\Program Files\UrBackup\urbackup\data\filelist.ub should list all the files. (Debug-level) Logfiles would be interesting too.

I may also have packaged an outdated version on Windows x64 >=Vista. I’ve updated it again to be sure. Could you try again with that version?

I’ll add build numbers so that does not happen again.

We tried the latest client version, with excludes and without excludes.
Client-machines: Windows 7, both 32 Bit and 64 Bit


a) With excludes:
Incremental Backup - elapsed time 1 Min - Used Space (Speichernutzung) 0 bytes
On the urbackup-Server, the folder C of the backed up machine is totally empty.
Used exclude string:
\pagefile.sys;\hiberfil.sys;\System Volume Information*;$Recycle.Bin*;.ost;.pst;\RECYCLER*;;;\Programme*;\Program Files*;\WINDOWS*;\MSOCache*;\Drivers*;*\dell*

b) Without excludes:
Incremental Backup - elapsed time 1 Min - Used Space (Speichernutzung) 38.17 MB
On the urbackup-Server, the folder C of the backed up machine contains the urbackup-folder of the backed up client computer. Nothing else.

Thank you for your support.
Thomas Carlile
linCK-IT GmbH & Co. KG

Thanks. I seem to have hit it now.

Here is an updated version:

Thank you for the new Version, Backup seems to work now!
We will have an eye on it the next days and keep you updated should any errors occur.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Thomas Carlile
linCK-IT GmbH & Co. KG

Updated it today again.

Small bug which could cause the FILE_DOESNT_EXIST Errors.