Fedora 23 nogui client, how to configure it?

Hello, the client is installed and started with systemctl start command.
How does one go about to start configuring it?

When and how does it exchange credentials with the server?
Where to start in order to define the type of backup and what directories? (image, file, incremental, full)

For now I only get this in the log file:

[root@main ~]# tail -n 10 /var/log/urbackup_client.log
2016-08-10 15:51:16: ERROR: Error preparing Query [DROP INDEX filehashes_idx]: no such index: filehashes_idx

and the following screenshots:

Name : urbackup-client-nogui
Version : 1.4.11
Release : 3.1
Architecture: x86_64

rpm -qi urbackup-server
Name : urbackup-server
Version : 1.4.14
Release : 3.1
Architecture: x86_64

Operating System: Fedora 23 (Twenty Three)
CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:23
Kernel: Linux 4.6.5-200.fc23.x86_64
Architecture: x86-64

Use the server admin web page to add backup directories to your client.

Alternatively to what @hippy1970 said, do that on a client. But do it. And don’t forget there’s an admin manual you can use for this.

Hi, your advice proved right and the client started to get backed up the moment it was configured on the server via the web intrface. The server however had to be restarted in order to things start working. Is this something that one should always remember about?

Another question: the fedora installation of urbackup in version 1.4.14 lacks urbackupclientctl executable. I have no clue how to start experimenting with “restore” process.
Perusing of https://www.urbackup.org/administration_manual.html#x1-800009 gives just one hint that one can use all the sharing protocols at hand to restore files.
The forums here however are full off references to urbackupclientctl…

Thank for any hints

Can you not restore via the server web interface?

You are looking at the wrong manual. Check this one for 1.4.x installations. Although it doesn’t even have section on restores :smiley:
Try running urbackup-client-nogui help, see if that nets you anything useful.

@hippy1970, are you suggesting downloading files as a restore option, or pushing them via webinterface?

Yes, downloading from the web interface works fine here.

Is there a reason you can’t upgrade to version 2 ?

Isn’t that still restricted by file size, 4GB max?

It shouldn’t be. Unless your file system has size limitations.
I’ll test it here this morning.

EDIT: You may be right.
I just tried to download a 16GB folder. The download stopped at 4.3GB and wouldn’t extract.
The client filesystem here is ext4.
To be fair though I am currently running server v2.0.27 (I need to find the right time to upgrade)
The problem may be resolved in later releases.

I just installed ubuntu 16.04 and urbackup-server 2.0.32 on a test hardware.
I could not find other windows client but 2.0.31. Is this normal?
As of now the two machines talk to each other and the first file backup completed OK.
The image backup is turned off temporarily on the server.

Will try to experiment for a while to see what is new in 2.0.32 linux server and 2.0.31 windows client. (vs the 1.4.* versions that I tried on Fedora 23)
Pity there is no current versions for Fedora.

Thanks for the time to aswer my questions.
