Thank you for a great piece of software, it really fills the gap in my windows networks! Also it has matured considerably over a short periiod of time so it’s running very stable and reliably for me - a well deserved 1.0.
I do however have a feature request. On some windows client machines, especially older ones or ones running i/o heavy apps, but also recent, powerful machines with comparably slow storage (single spinning harddrives), it would be wonderful to have the ability to automatically lower the priority of the urbackup_backend process to something like low or idle.
Users sometimes complain to me about their machine slowing down during backups and sometimes they then pause the backup which results in no backup being competed because they forget to resume it. Restricting users from pausing backups doesn’t really remedy the base problem (besides it’s a nice to have feature when you actually need it), and running backups after hours instead is not desirable for energy saving reasons and because urbackup does not automatically shut down the client when finished. (Was that another feature request right there or am I blind? =) )
I already tried the new network bandwidth throttle mechanism introduced in urbackup 1.0 and it helps some. But during data gathering phases on the client when no or almost no data ist transmitted over the network, there is still heavy storage i/o activity on the client which impact I so far cannot influence by default. If the client ran at low priority, other processes (running in the foreground) could have their i/o needs satisfied first and urbackup would have to live with the gaps in i/o activity.
It would be nice to just be able to choose a desired priority for the service part of the urbackup client, ideally in a centralized way as part of the client settings on the server. Something like a dropdown with default windows priorities or a checkbox for low(er) default client runtime priority. The checkbox would probably be a more generic solution tailored to fit clients on more operating systems besides windows.
This is really just a minor issue, but one I think would greatly benefit your excellent software product. Please keep up the great work! (and put up a donations button on the page if you like!)
Cheers, Jannik