Feature request deny clients

Hy -is it possible to deny clients from macking backups to the server ?

Problem - i have many clients with the automatically distributed urbackup client with default config.
The clients in the local net searching for a urbackup server - negoiate a password and after this they are locked to the correct server.

If i start more then 1 urbackup servers(for space and perfomance reasons) - it is possible that a new client register to the wrong urbackup server -because the second server is faster sometimes.
What i can do is to preconfigure the client - but this is a lot of work - it would be easier if i configure a second urbackup server with a black and a whitelist or something similiar to prevent the registering of wrong machines.

Is something like that possible ? perhaps it is possible to have a list of new clients in urbackup server and i can manually permit these clients ?

Thanks in advance

if i can preconfigure a universal client which is bound to a specific server - this would help me -then i can deploy this one - does anybody know how to do this ?

Maybe you can use this script https://urbackup.atlassian.net/wiki/display/US/Download+custom+client+installer+via+Python to install custom clients on each PC.