Feature request (And a problem)

Hi All,
I have noticed that the Urbackup 1.47 server process is down and not responiding to http request on my install,
I suspect it’s a load issue on the database but I can find anything in the logs.

So I have started to limit the number of concurrent backups to 3.
While currenlty 3 backups are running I have clicked on start backup for addational 5 servers and nothing happens,

So you cannot add addational backups while you are in the limit.

May I suggest one of the two options,

  1. Error message will be nice.
  2. Add activities as pending activities with a list just above the last activities.

And thank you for the great product.

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Okay. Taken into consideration.

Next time the web interface is unresponsive you could either send me a memory dump of the process or enable debug logging. It logs the active Database queries if they are longrunning.