Facing issue with restoring image to VM in vmplayer?

two days back i took image backup of one physical server .today am trying to restore to VM in vmplayer but i got error. its not working. please help…

i got error like MBR not found or restore partition not available

Please am really tired to get these error

I’ve never been able to get urBackup images to boot in a VM, probably because they’re missing the BCD partition where Windows keeps its bootloader. This is why I use urBackup to image my data partition, and I use another program called disk2vhd to image my OS and BCD partition. If you want, you can use my disk2vhd scripts to schedule them for automatic backups, like urBackup does. https://github.com/Linkz57/Jelec-disk2vhd_automatic

If you want to try to get urBackup working, look for a VHD-stiching script that should be in your installation directory. I couldn’t get it to work for me, but maybe you can stitch your OS and BCD partitions together after imaging both.

thanks dear. i will check and let u know