Extraction failed - Client installation


I’m trying to use UrBackup in my company. After setting up the server, I was trying to install the first client (version 2.1.16), a Linux CentOS 5, by launching the binary installation script (https://hndl.urbackup.org/Client/2.1.16/UrBackup%20Client%20Linux%202.1.16.sh).

Anyway, the installation abruptly fails with just a few lines of output:

Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing UrBackup Client Installer for Linux  100%  Extraction failed.
Signal caught, cleaning up

I also tried to launch the script with the –target option, specifying an existing folder. This happens: the folder changes owner (user and group), a file named install-data.tar.gz is created inside, and the output of the install command is slightly different. The installation fails anyway:

Creating directory urbackup_setup
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing UrBackup Client Installer for Linux  100%  Extraction failed.

Any idea about to fix this issue? Please note that this client has no GUI and has no Internet access (it should reach the UrBackup server in the same network).

Thanks in advance for answering…

Does this thread help? https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/680161/cuda_5-5-22_linux_64-run-extraction-failed-/ (not enough space in /tmp)?

It seems that I have some space in /tmp (unless the client requires more than 11 GB…):

[root@glcentos5test ~]# df -h
Filesystem         Dimens. Usati Disp. Uso% Montato su
                       18G  6,2G   11G  38% /
/dev/vda1              99M   26M   68M  28% /boot
tmpfs                 2,0G     0  2,0G   0% /dev/shm

I also tried the option -tmpdir mentioned in the linked thread, but it doesn’t work… the help message is shown.

It doesn’t work even by setting an environment variable TMPDIR on another folder… the same output error as above (first case) is returned.

Since I had no news, I’ve tried to re-download the client from scratch and start over, but nothing changed…

I’m posting some additional info that I got using some flags with the executable (I renamed it in urbackup_client.sh after the download):

[root@glcentos5test ~]# chmod +x urbackup_client.sh
[root@glcentos5test ~]# ./urbackup_client.sh
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing UrBackup Client Installer for Linux  100%  Extraction failed.
Signal caught, cleaning up
[root@glcentos5test ~]# ./urbackup_client.sh --info
Identification: UrBackup Client Installer for Linux
Target directory: linux-installer
Uncompressed size: 11516 KB
Compression: none
Date of packaging: Fri May 5 13:47:23 CEST 2017
Built with Makeself version 2.2.0 on
Build command was: /usr/bin/makeself \
    "--nocomp" \
    "--nomd5" \
    "--nocrc" \
    "linux-installer" \
    "UrBackupUpdateLinux.sh" \
    "UrBackup Client Installer for Linux" \
Script run after extraction:
linux-installer will be removed after extraction
[root@glcentos5test ~]# ./urbackup_client.sh --check
Verifying archive integrity... ./urbackup_client.sh does not contain an embedded MD5 checksum.
 ./urbackup_client.sh does not contain a CRC checksum.
 All good.
[root@glcentos5test ~]# ./urbackup_client.sh --list
Target directory: linux-installer
drwxr-xr-x jenkins/jenkins   0 2017-05-05 13:46:58 ./
-rw-r--r-- jenkins/jenkins 11748046 2017-05-05 13:46:58 ./install-data.tar.gz
tar: Salto alla prossima intestazione
tar: L'archivio contiene header base-64 obsolescenti
tar: Uscita per errore ritardata dall'errore precedente
Extraction failed.

I cannot read the list of files, despite the “check” flag asserts the file is “good” (with no MD5 and CRC…?).

Any other idea? I wouldn’t be forced to look for another backup solution…


(*) Below I’m roughly translating from Italian the last three “tar” lines in the output above:

  • tar: Jumping to next header
  • tar: The archive contains obsolete base-64 headers
  • tar: Exit for an error delayed by a previous error

Check if the file is damaged:

md5sum UrBackup\ Client\ Linux\ 2.1.16.sh
e44c839e8be74c3e48cb3cd762b3a087 UrBackup Client Linux 2.1.16.sh

Otherwise it is a problem with tar. Try upgrading/replacing that if possible.

I found the cause of the problem… It was caused by the “double transfer” via FTP in automatic mode.

The file downloaded on my Windows PC had the correct MD5. But after uploading it on the “real” client the MD5 got changed… every time in a different way.

I re-uploaded the file in binary mode and it got transferred correctly… after that, the installation worked :slight_smile:

Thanks for the support… maybe I’ll probably ask again on the forum for the next steps :slight_smile: