Excluded and included files

will the included file rule override excluded file rule,
say I would like to excluded everything on c:\program files\ but I want to include c:\program files\company

if the included file rule will not override excluded file rule, is there a simple way to do it?


Sorry. It’s the other way around. A path must match the exclude pattern and the include pattern to be backed up.

In your case you could set the path to backup to “c:\program files\company”.

Actually I am not trying to backup the c:\program files\data only. I want to backup everything on c: except stuff in c:\program files*, but include the c:\program files\data.

becuase sometimes users like to create folder on the root of c and i wouldnt know the folder name, so i cant put the umkown name in the include path.

how can i set that.


You can setup a name for every directory to backup. The default name of “C:” is “C”. The default name of “c:\program files\data” is “data”. So you could set include dirs to “C*;data*” and exclude dirs to “c:\program files*”.
(You can exclude/include files by their path on the filesystem and by the path relative to the name.)