Ever inreasing backup size

I’m quite new to urbackup, coming from Veeam but tired of dealing with all of its needs in my home lab environment…

I am trying to understand why the space being taken by my test setup seems to be ever increasing? I do download some files but its not this much… I was used to veeam where it would sort of re-merge the incremental image backups with the master one over time to keep the total size quite close to the actual size of the thing being backed up. Now it is escalating far past my actual drive sizes, but more importantly, isn’t leveling off now that its hit the max days of retention…

I am fairly certain I’ve set up something wrong, has anyone seen this sort of behavior before?

Here is the storage usage:

Here is my client settings:

I will try to post more of the settings, as I can only have 2 links per post…

Here is my server settings:

And here is some recent activity. I can see it deleting old incremental backups as it hits limits… But it still seems to use the old original full backup?

I feel like I am doing something incorrectly…