/etc/default/urbackupsrv config file is being ignored

I’m trying to setup a non-default configuration for the UrBackup dockerized version on a Raspberry pi 4b (arm64).
After some research I found that the config file is located at /etc/default/urbackupsrv and is being referenced from /etc/init.d/urbackupsrv

So I mapped a host-level file to the container and changed some of the settings. Logging into the container shows that the file is mapped correctly. However it doesn’t seem to matter what I put in that file, it just gets ignored. Permissions seem to be ok (original file and new file have the same owner). I recreated the container several times and even went as far as resetting DB, nothing works.

I’m at a loss at what I can do further, as older forum posts seem to be outdated…

Similar situation here. I am on amd64 and try to bind the /etc/default folder from the container to the host. The stack starts without issues, but the folder /etc/default inside the container is not populated. No urbackupsrv file. Same on the host.
When I do not bind the folder, the folder inside the container is populated and the urbackupsrv file is present.
My primary target it to use only the network interface enp2s0 for broadcasting.
EDIT: if I bind only the file urbackupsrv and make sure the file exists before starting the container, the edited file is visible inside the container.
BUT the setting BROADCAST_INTERFACES="enp2s0" is ignored and all interfaces are used.