Error starting backup. No backup server found

Hi there,

My setup consist of the following two machines in local network:

  • Server: Raspberry Pi 4, Manjaro ARM (aarch64)
  • Client: Lenovo Y520, Manjaro (amd64)

The Server installed the package urbackup2-server from the AUR and the Client installed the package urbackup2-client-no-gui also from the AUR.

Upon running sudo systemctl start urbackup-server in the server and sudo systemctl start urbackupclientbackend in the client, adding a backup folder in the client using urbackupclientctl add-backupdir -d /home/undercover/ze running urbackupclientctl start -i returns:
Error starting backup. No backup server found.

The webUI is working as expected.

There’s a small twist in my system, which is probably what’s causing this issue, i’m running Wireguard (interface name wg0) on both of my machines meaning that each of them have two IP’s:

  • Server:,
  • Client:,

Both of my machines have firewalls setup such that they are to deny all incoming connections from, but all the machines in my Wireguard network, with assigned IP’s within the subnet have no firewalls in between them and all connections incoming or outgoing are allowed.

This means that running netstat in the Server shell to analyse who’s listening:

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      557/urbackupsrv     
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      557/urbackupsrv     
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      313/sshd: /usr/bin/ 
tcp6       0      0 :::55413                :::*                    LISTEN      557/urbackupsrv     
tcp6       0      0 :::55414                :::*                    LISTEN      557/urbackupsrv     
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      313/sshd: /usr/bin/

And running nmap from the Client to the Server using the Wireguard connection:

nmap -p 55413
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2020-08-04 19:25 WEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0024s latency).

55413/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.03 seconds
nmap -p 55414                              
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2020-08-04 19:32 WEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0023s latency).

55414/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.05 seconds

I’m not going to change this setup because it allows me to treat both machines as if they were in localhost, even if they have remote connections, which is perfect for what i want. For some reason Urbackup is not being able to find each other, probably because it’s looking for connections in eth0 in the server and they’re in wg0.

If i could make a suggestion, having a “direct connect” feature, even for local network, would be great because for scenarios like this it could make a Urbackup server and client that are going through a VPN connection act as if they were on local network, which would also avoid the server/client sending messages to discover each other.

Broadcasts probably aren’t going over the wireguard connection. Either fix that, use Internet mode (over writeguard – you can disable encryption if you want to), or add a client discovery hint.

I’ve tried the discovery hint mode, and it didn’t work.

I started connecting through internet mode but i realized i was doing something wrong so i’ll try again later. Also I didn’t knew what the internet mode implied, so if i disable compression and encryption it will act the same as if they were on local area?

And now that i’m here the program shows a considerable amount of tweaking, is there anything I should focus to keep the load mostly to the client and not the server? And there’s no plans for a direct connection?

Thanks for the fast reply by the way.

Not exactly, the default settings minimize transfers while making the client do more work, most of it can be changed in the advanced settings, but it sounds like you want to do that anyway.

(The discovery hint is basically a direct connection, it sends UDP packets directly to the address you specify)

I’m probably doing something wrong, disabling firewalls on both machines just to be sure and using UDP hints from the server to my laptop to both IP’s also shows not connected.

Trying to use internet mode i find that urbackupclientgui installed from the AUR package urbackup2-client does not have a setting named “authentication key”.
The package was last updated at 31-12-2019.
Is it possible to enable internet mode through urbackupclientctl?



Debian: /etc/default/urbackupclient
CentOS:  /etc/sysconfig/urbackupclient

systemctl restart urbackupclientbackend.service

Try to install preconfigured client (download it from server). Installing this client all settings will be intalled to client (include internet backup settings).

  1. uninstall your current client
    sudo uninstall_urbackupclient

  2. install preconfigured client (download it from server).

  3. Client automatically will be connected to server using internet mode.