Error retrieving windows component backups

We are doing testing with URbackup as an option to replace some aging backup software. We setup a fresh windows server 2019, fresh sql express database with some test data. Backup of sql windows components went fine, no errors. Right click on restore windowss components yeilds the error message “error retrieving windows component backups. Unknown access error”. Any help is appreciated…


Also trying to do an incremental backup of this same machine/database gets me this error stack

Errors 02/23/24 15:45 Referencing snapshot on “LanceTest” for path “.symlink_SqlServerWriter_{A65FAA63-5EA8-4EBC-9DBD-A0C4DB26912A}_b62cc02fd09ac1b6113d30c82708d52b_MainErp_files00000001” failed: FAILED
Errors 02/23/24 15:45 Cannot get volume for path “”. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (code: 123)
Errors 02/23/24 15:45 Client LanceTest went offline.
Errors 02/23/24 15:46 Backup failed

I’m sorry you are having issues.

To further analyse the problem a client debug log would be useful. The client log file is per default located at C:\Program Files\UrBackup\debug.log on Windows. Run C:\Program Files\UrBackup\enable_debug_logging.bat as admin to enable debug logging. Once debug logging is enabled reproduce the problem.

Attach the log files to your new post or send them to because they may contain data which should not be public.

I finally solved this. It was because I was porting the web page through nginx to get ssl. Once I changed that back to direct it worked fine.

did you solve the problem with the ssl reverse proxy in the meantime?
I’ve got a windows installation, but have a similiar problem using IIS

Not really… I did setup a new url and pointed it to the reverse proxy just for managment. The backups still go past the proxy and direct.