I have been using UrBackup for several months now. I love the simplicity with which it can be setup and used. I was doing some test restores of my image backups today to Hyper-V and received an error trying to restore my Windows Server 2012 r2 images. These images are from Virtual servers on a Windows Server 2012 r2 Hyper-V Gen 2 environment. I get an error saying that it cannot find the restore partition when attempting to restore the image. I received this error using both version 1.1.1 and the testing version of the restore disk. I ran the restore disk in a Gen 1 Hyper-V environment. Does UrBackup not support backing up virtualized Windows systems or possibly the virtual environment needs special configuration? I had no problems in restoring a image of Windows 8.1 from a physical machine to a virtual Hyper-V machine using the same setup. Any help on this would be appreciated.