ERROR: password wrong and sending identity failed


I have installed the latest server (1.4.3) and client (1.4.2) (everything windows).
Client installed on different systems.

The clients are viewable in the gui but only with ONLINE: YES and STATUS: STARTING

the clients have the following errors:
11:09:27: FileSrv: UDP: PING received… sending PONG. Delay=283ms
2014-10-06 11:09:48: FileSrv: UDP: PING received… sending PONG. Delay=244ms
2014-10-06 11:09:53: FileSrv: UDP: PING received… sending PONG. Delay=496ms
2014-10-06 11:10:24: ClientService cmd: #rdmvvkwfufpqygygxfjwgninxyxmxe#ADD IDENTITY
2014-10-06 11:10:24: ERROR: Password wrong!
2014-10-06 11:10:27: ClientService cmd: STATUS#pw=dCNN8brRg8xpXH1VRVT90kngo817a8
2014-10-06 11:10:27: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2014-10-06 11:10:34: Client timeout in ClientConnector::Run
2014-10-06 11:10:39: FileSrv: UDP: PING received… sending PONG. Delay=379ms
2014-10-06 11:10:44: FileSrv: UDP: PING received… sending PONG. Delay=160ms

The server has the following error:
Timeout: Sending Identity to client “1234-pc” failed. Retrying soon…

I already installed the client on a fresh windows but the problem remains.
What am i doing wrong ?

thanks, verus.

It should probably be

Instead of

in the server_ident.key. Something must have messed that up.

I changed it and restarted the services but no change.
The server_idents.txt key on the clients (also newly installed) is:


Shouldn’t that be the same as the server_ident.key ?
thanks. Verus.


I reinstalled the server and deleted all directories.
Then reinstalled again and the client installed fine on 1 computer and this is the servers_idents on that client:


On the other computers when I uninstall or delete the servers_idents.txt, the following always comes back and then I get a server rejected message:


I have no idea why the wrong server_idents information comes from…

Probably another server? You could use the status screen on the client which shows the IP.

Ah…so stupid…
It was another URBackup server on an old test computer.