Error getting internal id for user with id

Each file produces the following error in the log:
ERROR: Error getting internal id for user with id XXXXXX
ERROR: Error getting internal id for group with id YYYYYY

These are the current accounts of the owners of the files in Active Directory.
This overflows the log and significantly slows down the progress of the backup. Especially the copying of METADATA

Centos 6 + Samba 3.6.23 + winbind + urbackup client 2.1.16

Could you try if the 2.2.x beta client fixes this issue? Thanks!

Thanks for the answer. I’ll try.

Unfortunately this did not solve the problem. Client 2.2.2 beta

2017-09-18 00:11:10: ERROR: Error getting internal id for user with id 111393
2017-09-18 00:11:10: ERROR: Error getting internal id for group with id 100513

2017-09-18 00:14:26: ERROR: Error getting internal id for user with id 111393
2017-09-18 00:14:26: ERROR: Error getting internal id for group with id 0

Clietnt build from git source
2017-09-18 01:06:31: ERROR: Token id for group not found
2017-09-18 01:06:31: ERROR: Token id for group not found
2017-09-18 01:06:31: ERROR: Token id for group not found
2017-09-18 01:06:31: ERROR: Error getting internal id for group with id 100513
2017-09-18 01:06:33: ERROR: Error getting internal id for group with id 100513

i saw the same error for ids that do not exists locally to urbackup.
Ie : you backup a network share or a docker container and in the urbackup context, the file you want to backup have ids that do not exist in the /etc/passwd

Of course they are not in /etс/passwd. These are Active Directory Users

I’ve got same errors on my urbackup client (newest) running on CentOS 7. My UrBackup server also works on CentOS 7 (internet backup mode).

The client uses (2.3.x) for mapping file permission information.
Depending on if the client is linked to glibc you’d have to make sure NSS is correctly setup ( ). Then there could also simply be files with owners that don’t exist (anymore).

I have got a similar error:

ERROR: Error getting internal id for user with id 5000

in log files of client and there. Here the client is doing file backups from a “normal” local volume (linux). I assume that the user id 5000 entries are generated by containers (like Podman) and thus a user with that id does not exist in system / /etc/passwd.

Thus I do not not want / I cannot correct the user id of the files. Is there a way to mask the error / to switch of the check in urbackup?