Error during cURL operation occured: Failed writing received data to disk/application

Infscape UrBackup Appliance 1.10.7
Running on VMware, and Truenas ISCSI.
/var/log/app.log attached

I am getting this message.

Error during cURL operation occurred: Failed writing received data to disk/application (23) – Failed writing body (0 != 49)

At this point the operation has been retried a few times. Nevertheless the problem might be transient and get fixed without any action on your side. Backups might hang during that time.
If the problem persists please contact support.

It was backing up however now the storage stays in startup recovery, and has not backed up anything.

When doing a repair-database
root@sky:/home/admin# urbackupsrv repair-database
2022-03-30 11:02:35: Exporting database with id 20…
2022-03-30 11:02:35: Exporting database with id 30…
2022-03-30 11:02:35: Exporting database with id 23…
2022-03-30 11:02:56: Exporting database with id 24…
2022-03-30 11:02:56: Exporting database with id 25…
2022-03-30 11:02:56: Importing database with id 20…
2022-03-30 11:02:56: Importing database with id 30…
2022-03-30 11:02:56: Importing database with id 23…
2022-03-30 11:03:46: Moving rows from lost+found…
2022-03-30 11:03:46: WARNING: SQLite: no such table: lost_and_found errorcode: 1
2022-03-30 11:03:46: ERROR: Error preparing Query [INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files SELECT id, c1 AS backupid, c2 AS fullpath, c3 AS shahash, c4 AS filesize, c5 AS created, c6 AS rsize, c7 AS clientid, c8 AS increm
ental, c9 AS hashpath, c10 AS next_entry, c11 AS prev_entry, c12 AS pointed_to FROM lost_and_found WHERE nfield=13;]: no such table: lost_and_found. Retrying in 1s…
2022-03-30 11:03:47: WARNING: SQLite: no such table: lost_and_found errorcode: 1
2022-03-30 11:03:47: ERROR: Error preparing Query [INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files SELECT id, c1 AS backupid, c2 AS fullpath, c3 AS shahash, c4 AS filesize, c5 AS created, c6 AS rsize, c7 AS clientid, c8 AS increm
ental, c9 AS hashpath, c10 AS next_entry, c11 AS prev_entry, c12 AS pointed_to FROM lost_and_found WHERE nfield=13;]: no such table: lost_and_found. Retrying in 1s…
2022-03-30 11:03:48: WARNING: SQLite: no such table: lost_and_found errorcode: 1
2022-03-30 11:03:48: ERROR: Error preparing Query [INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files SELECT id, c1 AS backupid, c2 AS fullpath, c3 AS shahash, c4 AS filesize, c5 AS created, c6 AS rsize, c7 AS clientid, c8 AS increm
ental, c9 AS hashpath, c10 AS next_entry, c11 AS prev_entry, c12 AS pointed_to FROM lost_and_found WHERE nfield=13;]: no such table: lost_and_found. Retrying in 1s…
2022-03-30 11:03:49: WARNING: SQLite: no such table: lost_and_found errorcode: 1
2022-03-30 11:03:49: ERROR: Error preparing Query [INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files SELECT id, c1 AS backupid, c2 AS fullpath, c3 AS shahash, c4 AS filesize, c5 AS created, c6 AS rsize, c7 AS clientid, c8 AS increm
ental, c9 AS hashpath, c10 AS next_entry, c11 AS prev_entry, c12 AS pointed_to FROM lost_and_found WHERE nfield=13;]: no such table: lost_and_found. Retrying in 1s…
2022-03-30 11:03:50: WARNING: SQLite: no such table: lost_and_found errorcode: 1
2022-03-30 11:03:50: ERROR: Error preparing Query [INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files SELECT id, c1 AS backupid, c2 AS fullpath, c3 AS shahash, c4 AS filesize, c5 AS created, c6 AS rsize, c7 AS clientid, c8 AS increm
ental, c9 AS hashpath, c10 AS next_entry, c11 AS prev_entry, c12 AS pointed_to FROM lost_and_found WHERE nfield=13;]: no such table: lost_and_found. Retrying in 1s…
2022-03-30 11:03:51: WARNING: SQLite: no such table: lost_and_found errorcode: 1
2022-03-30 11:03:51: ERROR: Error preparing Query [INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files SELECT id, c1 AS backupid, c2 AS fullpath, c3 AS shahash, c4 AS filesize, c5 AS created, c6 AS rsize, c7 AS clientid, c8 AS increm
ental, c9 AS hashpath, c10 AS next_entry, c11 AS prev_entry, c12 AS pointed_to FROM lost_and_found WHERE nfield=13;]: no such table: lost_and_found [db=main file=/var/urbackup/backup_server_files.db]
2022-03-30 11:03:51: Importing database with id 24…
2022-03-30 11:03:51: Importing database with id 25…

Defrags seem fine.

root@sky:/home/admin# urbackupsrv defrag-database
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Shutting down all database instances…
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Opening urbackup server database…
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Transitioning urbackup server database to different journaling mode…
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Rebuilding Database…
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Transitioning urbackup server database to different journaling mode…
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Rebuilding Database…
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Transitioning urbackup server database to different journaling mode…
2022-03-30 11:09:29: Rebuilding Database…
2022-03-30 11:10:05: Transitioning urbackup server database to different journaling mode…
2022-03-30 11:10:05: Rebuilding Database…
2022-03-30 11:10:05: Transitioning urbackup server database to different journaling mode…
2022-03-30 11:10:05: Rebuilding Database…
2022-03-30 11:10:05: Rebuilding Database successfull.
2022-03-30 11:10:05: Deleting file entry index, if present…
2022-03-30 11:10:05: Done.

app.log (231.0 KB)

It looks like the encryption key for the cloud storage is wrong. Are you using cloud storage?

Im using a simple disk. It has everything on it. The cloud storage on the other hand I dont know the key (its not in the appliance website) and its from the appliance I migrated from. It will not let me leave a blank key, and forces a key after I hit save not matter what I do its a key that sticks when I look back or reboot the appliance. Its always the same.