Empty client list?

I installed URBackup server on one computer, and URBackup client on another, on the same network. The server computer does not see the client – clicking “Show All Clients” brings up an empty list.

On the client computer, it looks for a server for a while, and then displays a status of “No internet server configured”. I have turned off Firewall for both computers, just to be sure

If I click Add a Computer by IP, it sees the computer Online for up to a minute, and then it says it’s Offline again; nothing happens beyond that. If I add a computer by name, and download and install the installer on the client computer, then the same thing happens, but in the client list, this computer now shows a Last Seen date of when that client was installed.

How can I troubleshoot this? Are there any logs, for example, to see if a port is getting blocked by some other program? Most likely on the server, since none of the clients are visible…

Update: I set up the client to connect to the server as an internet server. Now when I look at the client computer, it says “Status: Connected to Internet server”.

However, on the server computer, it still says the clients I manually added is off-line, as well as the IP address. Also, manually selecting the Start Backup option gives the result “Starting backup failed”…

I took a look through the source code for this error, and it comes from the urbackupserver\serverinterface\start_backup.cpp file. The statement in question is:

if(!client_status[i].r_online || client_status[i].comm_pipe==NULL)
	obj.set("start_ok", false);

In other words, if the status page is not showing it on-line, then it will set start_ok as false, even if the client is actually connected to it, and waiting for a command (as is the case here). To this effect, another way of approaching it is:

Does anyone have a way to compile this code to run on Windows? If I can mess with the code, then maybe I can figure out where the hiccup is coming from.

After doing some more troubleshooting, I have found that port 35623 is being used by another application. Is there a way to specify an alternate port for UDP broadcasts for discovery on the server?